Basic financial statements

Segosele Ntsoane shared this question 4 years ago
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basic financial statements

Replies (2)


Please elaborate on the techincal issue faced here.


Thanks for getting back to me. We were given an excel financial statement template for a smoothie business as an example for us to replicate that model for our own business. The smoothie template example only had one product in its valuable costs table.

The challenge that I am having is that my business has a couple of products in its portfolio. E.g. shirts, t-shirts, polos/golfers, pants etc. What I want to know is: can I add all of those products in the same valuable costs table or do I need to make separate valuable costs tables underneath each other or I have to make a new financial statements page for each of my products?

I have tried to make separate valuable cost tables underneath each other but their total valuable costs are not automatically added in the summary table. Only the first valuable costs figures are added in that summary table.

I can forward the excel example if you want to see it.

Kind regards



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